brokerlist = "broker1:10000,broker2" brokerlist = "SSL://broker3:9000,ssl://broker2"
@returns the number of brokers successfully added.
@remark Brokers may also be defined with the \c or \c bootstrap.servers configuration property (preferred method).
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@brief Adds one or more brokers to the kafka handle's list of initial bootstrap brokers.
Additional brokers will be discovered automatically as soon as rdkafka connects to a broker by querying the broker metadata.
If a broker name resolves to multiple addresses (and possibly address families) all will be used for connection attempts in round-robin fashion.
\p brokerlist is a ,-separated list of brokers in the format: \c \<broker1\>,\<broker2\>,.. Where each broker is in either the host or URL based format: \c \<host\>[:\<port\>] \c \<proto\>://\<host\>[:port] \c \<proto\> is either \c PLAINTEXT, \c SSL, \c SASL, \c SASL_PLAINTEXT The two formats can be mixed but ultimately the value of the security.protocol config property decides what brokers are allowed.