@brief List and describe client groups in cluster.
\p group is an optional group name to describe, otherwise (\p NULL) all
groups are returned.
\p timeout_ms is the (approximate) maximum time to wait for response
from brokers and must be a positive value.
@returns \p RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NO_ERROR on success and \p grplistp is
updated to point to a newly allocated list of groups.
Else returns an error code on failure and \p grplistp remains
@sa Use rd_kafka_group_list_destroy() to release list memory.
@brief List and describe client groups in cluster.
\p group is an optional group name to describe, otherwise (\p NULL) all groups are returned.
\p timeout_ms is the (approximate) maximum time to wait for response from brokers and must be a positive value.
@returns \p RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NO_ERROR on success and \p grplistp is updated to point to a newly allocated list of groups. Else returns an error code on failure and \p grplistp remains untouched.
@sa Use rd_kafka_group_list_destroy() to release list memory.