When providing your own configuration to the \c rd_kafka_*_new_*() calls
the rd_kafka_conf_t objects needs to be created with this function
which will set up the defaults.
rd_kafka_conf_t *myconf;
rd_kafka_conf_res_t res;
myconf = rd_kafka_conf_new();
res = rd_kafka_conf_set(myconf, "socket.timeout.ms", "600",
errstr, sizeof(errstr));
if (res != RD_KAFKA_CONF_OK)
die("%s\n", errstr);
rk = rd_kafka_new(..., myconf);
Please see CONFIGURATION.md for the default settings or use
rd_kafka_conf_properties_show() to provide the information at runtime.
The properties are identical to the Apache Kafka configuration properties
whenever possible.
@returns A new rd_kafka_conf_t object with defaults set.
@brief Create configuration object.
When providing your own configuration to the \c rd_kafka_*_new_*() calls the rd_kafka_conf_t objects needs to be created with this function which will set up the defaults. I.e.: @code rd_kafka_conf_t *myconf; rd_kafka_conf_res_t res;
myconf = rd_kafka_conf_new(); res = rd_kafka_conf_set(myconf, "socket.timeout.ms", "600", errstr, sizeof(errstr)); if (res != RD_KAFKA_CONF_OK) die("%s\n", errstr);
rk = rd_kafka_new(..., myconf); @endcode
Please see CONFIGURATION.md for the default settings or use rd_kafka_conf_properties_show() to provide the information at runtime.
The properties are identical to the Apache Kafka configuration properties whenever possible.
@returns A new rd_kafka_conf_t object with defaults set.
@sa rd_kafka_conf_set(), rd_kafka_conf_destroy()